Leaving your Legacy
Leaving your Legacy
You can ensure that the future is bright for young leaders in agricultural education. Consider leaving a Planned Gift through the Minnesota FFA Foundation. A gift to the Minnesota FFA Foundation will leave behind a legacy that will leave on in to perpetuity to celebrate your values, and help young people develop skills to be leaders in the future. Your support of the Minnesota FFA Foundation will provide opportunities for today's students as well as those yet to come.
For More Information:
Complete this online form and we will mail you a MN FFA Foundation Planned Giving Packet:
Ways to Leave your Legacy:
Creating an Endowment Fund
Once you decide to create an endowment fund, the first step is to identify the purpose for your named endowment – such as a scholarship, program or general fund. Next, you will sign the Endowment Fund Agreement, prepared by the Minnesota FFA Foundation. A minimal initial gift of $15,000 is necessary to establish an endowment fund. This initial gift can be made all at once or over a period of three years. You, your family and others can make additional gifts to the endowment fund at any time. You can also make deferred gifts (such as bequests, charitable remainder trust and life insurance) to the endowment fund.
Fund Maintenance and Usage
The gift to the endowment fund is invested by the Minnesota FFA Foundation. The Foundation's Board of Trustees is responsible for the legal and administrative duties associated with managing the endowment fund. And at the end of each fiscal year, the Foundation creates and sends an annual statement to the endowment's contacts, recapping the current status of the endowment fund.
IRA Required Minimum Distributions (RMD)
Required minimum distributions from an IRA can be designated as a charitable gift to the Minnesota FFA Foundation and retirees, age 70 ½ and older, don't have to itemize to qualify for this charitable tax break.
Life Insurance:
Purchasing a life insurance policy naming the Minnesota FFA Foundation as both the beneficiary and irrevocable owner of the policy provides a future gift for the Foundation. The Foundation may require the donor to pay, before due, any future premium payments owing on the policy
Planned Giving:
You can ensure that the future is bright for young leaders in agricultural education. Consider leaving a Planned Gift though through the Minnesota FFA Foundation.
Planned gift options include:
Endowment - Contribute a minimum of $15,000 over three years or less. The principle is invested and annual earnings are used to support the program of your choice.
Bequest – Indicate in your will that you'd like to leave part of your estate to the Minnesota FFA Foundation.
Beneficiary Designation – Indicate the Minnesota FFA Foundation as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy, IRA or non-qualified annuity.
Stock Gifts:
Marketable securities may be transferred electronically to an account maintained at one or more brokerage firms or delivered physically with the transferor's endorsement or signed stock power (with appropriate signature guarantees) attached. All marketable securities will be sold promptly upon receipt unless otherwise directed by the Minnesota FFA Foundation's Executive Committee.
Next Steps:
Contact Minnesota FFA Foundation Staff at 507-534-0188 or val.aarsvold@mnffafoundation.org for additional information on creating a memorial gift at the Minnesota FFA Foundation.
Reach out to your financial or legal advisor for financial planning advice.
If you make a planned gift to the Minnesota FFA Foundation, please use our legal name and federal tax ID:
Legal Name: Minnesota FFA Foundation, Inc.
Address: PO Box 365, Plainview, MN 55964
Federal Tax ID Number: 41-6038263
Questions or More Information:
Download a copy of the MN FFA Foundation Wills Planning Guide here: Guide coming soon!
Or complete this online form and we will mail you a MN FFA Foundation Planned Giving Packet:
Gifts are accepted according to our Gift Acceptance Policy. For more information, contact Val Aarsvold at val.aarsvold@mnffafoundation.org or 507-259-3586.

Roy A. Johnson
Technology Deployment Manager
Cargill Animal Nutrition & Health
"I decided a few years ago to include the Minnesota FFA Foundation in my estate planning in order to continue the personal and financial support that I have been donating as my career developed.” Said Johnson, a technology deployment manager at Cargill Animal Nutrition and Health. “As the first line of the FFA Creed states, “I believe in the future of agriculture” and I have been fortunate to make my living and develop my career in areas tied to animals and agriculture.”
Roy Johnson grew up on a farm in southeastern Minnesota and was involved with FFA since high school in Red Wing. After high school, Roy attended the University of Minnesota- where he continued his FFA presence, “I was a chapter officer and served as the State FFA Secretary in 1967-68 when I was attending school at the University of Minnesota.”
Roy was originally going to school to become a physicist or research chemist, but soon switched over to the College of Agriculture, “My background in agriculture and my FFA experience influenced that career decision.”
Roy has high praise for the Foundation, stating “I believe the Minnesota FFA Foundation is in a position to have a positive influence on a large number of young people who may need some support and some guidance to pursue important careers in agriculture and related industries.” Said Johnson, a former instructor at the University of Minnesota-Waseca, “The notes I get back from the young people who receive FFA jackets or who travel to leadership development events helped convince me of the future benefits that the Minnesota FFA Foundation can provide to future generations.”
“Because FFA provided opportunities to me when I was growing up, I felt it was important to give back to the industry and to support an organization that supports education in Vocational Agriculture for the next generations of young people.” Johnson stated, “FFA contributed to my personal and professional growth and I feel an obligation to pay it forward.”

Robin Kinney
Senior Director, Member Engagement
American Farm Bureau Federation
“The Minnesota FFA holds a close place in my heart and always will.” Kinney said, “As an individual whose career was influenced by my ag teacher’s guidance and encouragement, I have been able to experience several different careers in agricultural advocacy, communications and public relations.”
Robin Kinney transistioned with her family to a farm near Buffalo, where they had a registered Jersey dairy herd. Throughout school, Robin participated in FFA and continued her support after attending the University of Minnesota in St. Paul. Robin also served as the President of the Minnesota FFA Alumni for a stint. She is now the Director of Membership and Program Development at the American Farm Bureau Federation, but has continued being an avid member organizations including FFA Alumni and Ag Relations Council, among others.
Kinney hopes that her planning will help others, “Considering I started out as a naïve, city kid, I have been blessed with great mentors and opportunity because of my FFA involvement.” She said, “Hopefully, my planning will allow others the chance to make a difference.”
“I believe if other FFA Alumni consider how the program enhanced their life or career, they should consider how they can give back and help the FFA Foundation, with their time, talents or a financial contribution. It is a personal choice and to me the decision was easy.” Kinney stated, “This is one of two organizations that has had a tremendous influence on my both personally and professionally. I believe in the FFA and am proud to support it with my investment. .”