Agricultural License Plate
Introducing Minnesota's 1st Agricultural Plate
A new Minnesota license plate celebrating agriculture will benefit 4-H and the state's FFA members. The plate's design was unveiled in early February.
“We’re excited to have this new license plate that highlights the diversity of Minnesota’s ag economy,” Commissioner Thom Petersen said. “This is an opportunity for Minnesotans to show their commitment to agriculture while supporting our young leaders in FFA and 4-H.”
Inspired by nearly 100 sketches from 4-H'ers and FFA members, the plate draws upon imagery of both organizations. The hands holding seedlings symbolize the 4-H pledge of "my hands to larger service," while the rising sun is a "token of a new era in agriculture" honored in FFA ceremonies.
Leaders of both groups acknowledged their appreciation for legislation passed in 2021 that created the new plate. The plate will become available to Minnesotans later in February and will cost $15.50. A minimum $20 contribution is due with plate purchase and each year afterward at vehicle registration renewal.
Both organizations expressed their gratitude for support for young people with a license plate honoring agriculture.
"Agriculture is woven into 4-H's past, present and future and it's open to all youth in Minnesota. We plan to broaden and deepen young people’s knowledge and involvement in agriculture so that they act on their ability as agricultural learners, leaders, innovators, global citizens and agents of change,” said Jennifer Skuza, associate dean for Youth Development at University of Minnesota Extension and Minnesota 4-H State Director.
“The Minnesota FFA Foundation ensures that students enrolled in agriculture, food and natural resource classes have access to premier leadership, personal growth, and career success, regardless of their economic situation,” said Val Aarsvold, executive director, Minnesota FFA Foundation. FFA is in 220 rural, urban and suburban schools statewide.
How to get your plate?
Purchase In Person:
Purchase your plate at DMV offices or by mailed in application.
Cost for the plate is $15.50, plus a minimum $20 contribution, which is due with plate purchase and each year afterward at vehicle registration renewal.
Purchase Online:
1. Go to this website: https://dps.mn.gov/divisions/dvs/Pages/dvs-services.aspx
2. Across the blue tabs on top, click Online Services
3. It will open a new browser. Under vehicle services, you will click more vehicle services.
4. Then you will click Change my Plates.
5. Follow the prompts on screen. You will need the following information to go through this process:
Vehicle VIN Number
Vehicle Plate Number
Bank Account Info / Credit Card